nedelja, 20. september 2015

New York, New York

S tem zapisom lahko še uradno zaključim svoje poletno pohajkovanje po Ameriki. :) New York je bil moja zadnja destinacija, kamor sem se podala iz Chicaga (na Chicaško izkušnjo lahko skočiš s klikom sem.) Priletela sem direktiva iz O’Hare International Chicago airport (ki je btw zares lepo letališče) v samem “Velikem jabolku” sem ostala 5 dni, zadnje tri pa sem preživela v njegovem predmestju, natančneje v Pelham-u. In kako me je navdušil New York? ......Beri dalje ;)

sreda, 2. september 2015

Chicago – City that stole my heart

Zdaj, ko imam po povratku domov v Slovenijo končno čas, da se v miru vsedem in razmislim o celotnem potovanju (pa uredim vseh milijon slik, ki sem jih posnela :o), se je našla tudi minutka za to, da vam predstavim Chicago skozi moje oči.

sreda, 26. avgust 2015

1. stop: Boston!

Ob vsej tej noriji in bezljanju okoli, sem si končno vzela en večer, da spišem prvi sestavek o mojem potovanju po kampu. Verjamem, da ga že nestrpno pričakujete! :) Najbolje, da kar nadaljujem, kjer sem ostala....klikni tukaj, če si izpustil/a prispevek o našem odhodu iz kampa! ;)

četrtek, 20. avgust 2015

Goodbye camp, goodbye KSA

Kar kurjo polt dobim, ko zdaj razmišljam in pišem o tej izkušnji, ki sem/smo jo doživeli to poletje...torej še zadnjič je pred vami dnevnik naših kamp dogodivščin in še zadnjič se oglašam z dnevnim opisom dogodkov...(se opravičujem, če se bo komu zdelo, da pretiravam in da sem drama queen, ampak resnično, dokler ne doživiš, ne veš...če pa se vam rata vživeti v zgodbo in dogajanje, pa morda uspete občutiti približek tistega, kar smo doživeli sami. :)) pa pojdimo!

petek, 14. avgust 2015

The hardest thing to do is to say goodbye...

Skoraj smo že pri koncu moje poletne kamp izkušnje. Kar ne morem verjet, kako se je vse hitro obrnilo in koliko čudovitih trenutkov smo doživeli s to družbo. Po pravici povedano sem že depresivna, ker resnično ne želim domov. NOČEM DOMOV! Zdaj, ko vidim, kaj vse nam ta naš svet ponuja, ne morem niti pomisliti na to, da bi se vrnila nazaj v dolgočasno Novo mesto. Kljub temu, da malo pa pogrešam družino in (nekatere :p) prijatelje, me čisto nič ne vleče nazaj...hmmm bomo videli, kako bo po koncu potovanja. Zaenkrat pa moram uživati še ta zadnji teden, ki nam je ostal.

četrtek, 6. avgust 2015

sreda, 29. julij 2015

Drama v šestem tednu!


Za mano je že 6 tednov življenja v kampu. Kako daleč se zdi naš prvi dan, še preden smo se vsi poznali in celi zeleni čakali na prve preizkušnje. Danes lahko rečem, da smo tako utečeni, da nam je na trenutke kar dolgčas. Še dobro, da na vsake toliko malo spremenimo in prilagajamo urnike, da ni vse tako monotono. Torej pred vami je dnevnik mojega šestega tedna...

sreda, 22. julij 2015

Kam je šlo pet tednov?!


Malce že zamujam s tedenskim dnevnikom...ampak nisem uspela spisati vsega do začetka novega tedna. Torej here we go...nova pošiljka dogodivščin iz kampa!

ponedeljek, 13. julij 2015

Že čez polovico!


Ne morem verjet, da smo že v petem tednu kampa!! :o noro kako hitro čas leti, ko se imaš fino! :) takole, ta teden je minil natanko en mesec od mojega prihoda v ZDA. Za enkrat lahko rečem, da še nisem imela težav z domotožjem...seveda pogrešam vse domaa od družine do prijateljev in naše hrane, ampak se imamo tu tako fajn, da mi ni hudega in lažje preživim kakšno krizico. Sploh mi je všeč, da smo se punce v naši hiški končno dovolj sprostile in spoznale, da se že hecamo in imamo svoje interne da si dovolj zaupamo in si odkrito povemo. Ful mi je všeč tudi to, da sodelujemo in se podpiramo pri rihtanju naših punc! :) tako da upam, da nas po koncu 2nd session-a ne bodo spet selili! Zdaj pa začnimo z dnevnikom...

ponedeljek, 6. julij 2015

Spet na začetku...

Živ-buc-bau! :D

Če še niste na tekočem ali pa si le želite osvežiti spomin, si lahko v zadnji objavi preberete kaj se je dogajalo v drugem tednu mojega kampa. Danes pa bom nadaljevala, kjer sem zadnjič ostala...torej pri začetku “novega” kampa...
(Ker mislim, da še nisem omenila ene podrobnosti jo bom kar tule vtaknila zraven :D naš kamp ima namreč “prirejeno” uro. Vse se dogaja z eno uro zamika naprej od lokalnega časa – torej, če je v Bostonu ura 5, je pri nas v kampu že 6. To so uvedli z namenom, da je dan kao daljši in imajo otroci možnost igrat lige zunaj še na dnevni svetlobi. Tako da kadarkoli gremo kam v mesto moramo pretvarjati uro glede na Camp Time in Normal Time. Zanimiva zadeva :D)

sreda, 1. julij 2015

Drugi teden :)

Živko vsem!

Tako, na vrsti je drugi tedenski dnevnik naših kamperskih dogodivščin! Trenutno, ko to pišem sem frej v kampu, čakam, da bo čas za večerne dolžnosti. Upam, da boste uživali v prebiranju, tako kot sem jaz v dejanskem dogajanju! :)

petek, 26. junij 2015


Glede na to, da se verjetno vsi, ki me dobro poznajo, sprašujejo od česa dejansko živim v kampu, vam bom razkrila s kakšno hrano nas pitajo :) V bistvu me je že od začetka od vseh stvari najbolj skrbelo kaj bom v Ameriki jedla...moji strahovi so se deloma uresničili...še dobro, da samo deloma. ;) V kampu imamo zajtrk, kosilo in večerjo, zvečer pa se odpre še kantina, kjer itak prodajajo vso možno sranje, da se otroci neomejeno (kokikor kuponckov imajo) bašejo in valda celi sugar high potem v posteljo...hvala bogu, da imam starejše punce, ki se znajo obnašat :)

torek, 23. junij 2015

1. teden :)

Torej odločila sem se, da bom tokrat pisala v slovenščini. Malo zato, ker pogrešam pravi pogovor v slovenščini in zato, da ob vsej tej angleščini, ki me obrkoža ne pozabim kako se kaj napiše tudi po čist preveč obremenjujem svoje možgane z angleščino! V naprej se oproščam se za zelooo dolg post......Zadala sem si cilj, da vsaj enkrat na teden objavim košček mojih kamperskih dogodivščin... Tu se dnevno zgodi toliko različnih dogodkov, da nimam časa opisat in napisat vsega. Mogoče je zato najbolje, da pišem kar dnevnik in stlačim čim več podrobnosti v eno objavo...? Bom poskusila, pa da vidimo kako se bo obneslo. Minil je prvi teden “pred-kampa”, kjer je število otrok še majhno (okoli 70-80), čaka nas še eden, naslednji teden pa začnemo s čisto pravo zadevo z 200 in več otroki. Za enkrat pa naši dnevi izgledajo takole:

sreda, 17. junij 2015


It's been a week since I came to America. Time really flies when you're having fun. And we definitely are. So far, this has been the best thing ever for sure...last time I was talking about my traveling to camp and first days in america...but today I'm finally able to share some details about how camp life actualy looks like.

četrtek, 11. junij 2015

First impression

Hello people! I’m currently on my way to camp and we’re all soo excited and nervous!! :)

I had so awesome and easy flights! My family dropped me at Zagreb airport from where I’ve flown to Paris. Short two-hour flight, nothing special. The airport in Paris though, it was the biggest thing ever (or so I thought until I came to America haha). After I landed in Paris, I rushed through security check for connective flights...people who work there are so idiotic. They saw half of us didn’t speak French but no one bothered to speak in English. Morons! ......I thought it would be easy to just walk to another terminal from where I flew on haha yup, didn’t happen :D first I had to take a bus to change the terminal from D to E...then get another boarding pass for flight from Paris to Newark and then take a TRAIN (!!) to the place of my departure, which was still on the same terminal! That was something. But the airport itself is just fantastic! When I finally got to the right spot I sat in front of my boarding gate...and of course sat in front of the wrong ones haha thank god I figure it out fast enough or else I would probably board a plane to Vietnam haha :D

nedelja, 17. maj 2015

Boring life...?

My life in high school was pretty awesome. I was a part of school cheerleader team, I was teaching gymnastics, I worked at a children’s day camp every year and we had a blast, I was dancing hip hop, me and my friends were going out partying every week...all in all I had a fabulous life! Still when I look back I think to myself “I (we) had sooo much fun, everything was so exciting, there was always something going on and the way we lived was so thrilling.”

četrtek, 14. maj 2015

Something new is up! :)

Since it’s been a while from my last post, I figured it is time to give some more attention to my blog again. As you can see there has been a minor change....a brand new topic has joined my already so diverse bouquet of topics! :) All we do is travel <3 was created mostly because I looooove to travel and my goal is to visit as much foreign countries as possible in my life. Travelling is the one thing you buy that makes you richer and as cheesy as it sounds it is true!

sreda, 1. april 2015

Super easy banana bread :)

Hi there! :)

Quick post before I leave for a little break...... :) I know, another food post you say, but I just love cooking and being creative...well I simply love food and everything that comes with it! There you have, I said it!

ponedeljek, 23. marec 2015

Just another food post :)

Today I have this absolutely amazingly yummylicious but soo simple to make, and on top of all healthy recipe to share with you! :) So the other day my friend brought her brunch to school....and as always whenever  food is involved and brought out of bags, I was there :D The thing looked like a white chocolate fudge and it smelled pretty nice so I asked, of course, what it was. She said millet soufflé with cottage cheese...and I was like “Omg that sounds so delicious! Tell me more!!!”.

sreda, 11. marec 2015

Everything you need to know about HAIR REMOVAL part 2.! :)

Firstly I would like to apologize for such a big gap between posts...but as promised here is part two of our hair removal theme. :)
Ok, in my last post we talked about depilation in general and some most commonly used methods for depilation. Here is a quick link to PART 1 if you missed it. :) In this post I will be focusing on another set of hair removal methods...and one in particular, that is less known here in Slovenia, but very recognisable abroad – sugaring. We will also discuss some basics about skin treatment after depilation. But first let us determine which hair removal methods are natural – by that I mean which method uses natural products to epilate our skin...

petek, 27. februar 2015

Everything you need to know about HAIR REMOVAL!

Today’s post is all about hair removal. If you are a guy reading this, don’t freak out haha this topic is most certainly not reserved only for the ladies, as more and more male representatives also choose to undergo this “horrifically  painful procedure”. :D I feel like this topic is still some sort of a taboo (at least in my environment), so not many people talk about it publicly....I seriously don’t know what’s the reason behind it since that’s not exactly something we should be ashamed of or keep as a secret. Therefore, my current mission is to break this ridiculous taboo and tell you everything you need to know about hair removal. Now let us get down to business. :)

nedelja, 15. februar 2015

Dry skin 101

Let’s talk about dry skin for a moment. Many people have dry skin. Most of them because that’s just their genetic base; however, there are also people whose skin dries out occasionally and over the years. Even people with oily type can experience drying up of their skin! One of the most common reasons for occasional appearances of dry skin is dehydration. If you’re not hydrated from the inside, you cannot expect your skin will be from the outside (and then there are some others; smoking, bad diet, excessive sunbathing...).

torek, 3. februar 2015

It's all about bold lip colours!

Friday night? Party? Gathering with your friends? Fancy dinner just by yourself? All the right reasons to put on some crazy, bold lip colour and I guarantee it will instantly make you feel fearless and fabulous! ;)

sreda, 28. januar 2015

Morning muffins, YES PLEASE!

I just got some sort of flashback this morning, so I had to make these breakfast muffins. Why? Well, because I can. :) We all deserve to have yummy things for breakfast, since this is obviously the most important meal of the day. And I honestly cannot function properly until I eat something in the morning. But I guess that depends on your daily habits.

ponedeljek, 19. januar 2015

Yummylicious breakfast pancakes!

Who doesn’t like pancakes for breakfast?? I’m pretty sure there’s no one like that walking on this planet. :) Last night I was lying in my bed, trying to fall asleep, but there were stupid ideas and thoughts running through my head, that didn’t give me peace -.- Does this happen to you too? You know, when you are just about to go to sleep and you suddenly remember to think about everything but sleep...Well it happens to me many times and usually I’m  thinking about food. What am I going to eat for breakfast, lunch and in between. I am making some tough decisions ha? :D After a while of thinking yesterday, a decision was made. I will make some delicious pancakes for breakfast. Mmmm fluffy and soft, healthy-inspired oat and coconut pancakes with thick cocoa-strawberry sauce on top. Absolutely fabulous!

petek, 9. januar 2015

New Year’s resolutions? How about no.

Since we are already more than a week in the New Year, I felt the urge to write this blog and express my thoughts about NY’s resolutions. I think the sentence “New Year = new me” is pretty familiar to you all isn’t it? :) “I’m going to lose weight.”, “This year I’m really going to become a better person!”, “I am  getting healthier for sure!” ...blablabla. I wonder what is up with this January/New Year’s thing that all of a sudden became such a hit-to-do in this past few years...why do we literally throw all this resolutions directly into our faces right on January? Why not March or August? They are just as ordinary months as I the only one who finds that weird? I mean every single day is a year later than this exact day last year. I just don’t see the point in these wannabe resolutions. However, there’s still a bunch of people who want to walk through the wall and change their lives completely literally over the night.