sreda, 11. marec 2015

Everything you need to know about HAIR REMOVAL part 2.! :)

Firstly I would like to apologize for such a big gap between posts...but as promised here is part two of our hair removal theme. :)
Ok, in my last post we talked about depilation in general and some most commonly used methods for depilation. Here is a quick link to PART 1 if you missed it. :) In this post I will be focusing on another set of hair removal methods...and one in particular, that is less known here in Slovenia, but very recognisable abroad – sugaring. We will also discuss some basics about skin treatment after depilation. But first let us determine which hair removal methods are natural – by that I mean which method uses natural products to epilate our skin...

*Very well known (but slightly out of fashion) is RESIN:

First culture that started using resin for their “grooming” rituals was Ancient Egyptian culture. Resin is all natural and very sticky so it is perfect for hair epilation...but (there’s always but) it is veeery hard to get it off your skin once it’s spreaded. It isn’t water soluble, and it doesn’t really come off with oil either, so you end up with sticky skin for quite a while after epilation. And another negative thing is that you have to heat it before can quickly become too hot which can lead to burns and skin irritation. However, Egyptians didn’t seem to have a problem with it (I guess we are all too sensitive nowadays haha). :) Despite these two negative sides, we also have plenty of positive ones – for example; because it is all-natural and doesn’t spoil, it’s very appropriate for those who tend to be allergic or have problems with added chemicals.

Epilation with resin is very similar to the one with wax, except it is usually applied with wooden spatula from a little container; in the same direction as hair grow. Then we cover the area with ordinary waxing sheet and take it off in the opposite direction of hair growth. I would recommend using resin on legs arms and
trunk/back, it’s also very commonly used for grooming eyebrows and facial hair. I wouldn’t do it on your lady parts, just because of possible burns and technique of removing waxing sheet. Another tip for those who would want to try it out...I suggest you make an appointment with a specialist, to get it done professionally. Do not experiment with resin at home, because it can get really messy. And just so you know, if resin once gets in touch with your furniture, clothes, HAIR or other, you won’t have other option, but to throw it away or cut your hair. So save yourself some additional work and see a beautician. :)

Ok, now it is time for my favourite type of epilation – SUGARING! :)

*Sugaring is also an ancient type of hair removal. It’s said that Ancient Egyptians were (again) the ones who used it first (they really were a very progressive and modern society!!). I supposedly owe them a praise, for inventing such a great way of epilation (and makeup styles of course! :p)...back to sugaring! This is my absolute favourite method because it’s all natural. Sugar paste is made out of plain sugar and water (you could add a bit of lemon juice too) that forms this beautiful amber like paste. 
Secondly, I love it because it does not spoil and lasts quite a long time (if you take good care of it), it is completely water soluble (if you get it on your hands, just wash it off), you don’t have to warm it up, because it’s used “cold”/on room temperature so there is no scare of burns... And the most great thing about it is the “special” epilation process. 

We manage sugar paste with our fingers. After you scoop it out of the container, just knead it with your fingers to warm it up a bit and make it easier to apply. Then you apply it with in the opposite direction of hair growth and gently go over that part twice or three times so hair stick together. 

To get it off just lightly pull the mass away in direction of hair growth – this is what makes sugaring the best method for epilation...if you pull hair off in the same direction as they grow, you lower the chance of splitting them apart... It also removes the whole hair with their roots, which prevents the appearance of ingrown hair yaaay, and that’s what we want! :) 

Another good thing with sugar paste is that it doesn’t contain additives, allergens or chemicals, so it’s very appropriate for more sensitive, thinner skin and for people who tend to be allergic to chemicals. This method can also be done on very short hair and is claimed to be less painful then other methods (I can say this is true, believe me! :D).

Now this procedure can be pretty messy and if you don’t know how to pull the mass off properly, you can seriously damage the skin. So again, if you want to try this, see a beautician or visit a sugaring class, to learn the basics.

Where do I use sugar paste? Definitely this is the most appropriate method to epilate your lady areas (bikini and brazilian), it’s commonly used for armpits, facial hair and arms, you can also use it on bigger parts (chest, back, legs) but it takes a loooot of time and effort (use ordinary wax for these, as they are not so sensitive). 

**How to do your own home made sugar paste?**
You need ordinary white sugar, water and lemon will just cook this in a pan and let it cool down. 

THIS is a very good video that shows the whole process.
Also check THIS VIDEO for a good demonstration of technique. :)

!!!! BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU COOK SUGAR PASTE, LIQUID SUGAR IS EXTREMELY HOT SO DO NOT TOUCH IT UNTIL IT COOLS DOWN COMPLETELY!!! Also do not reheat your paste to completely liquid form or let it in a very cold place as this will result in breaking the sugar crystals and paste won’t be as effective. :)

I will also share some advice on post depilation skin treatment and conditions when you shouldn’t do depilation/epilation...

What to do after depilation?

*if you used wax or depilation cream or sugar paste make sure you clean the skin (use oil for waxy leftovers and water for creamy and sugary ones)

*apply some mild moisturizing cream or cream for damaged skin (Bepanthen, calendula ointment, coconut oil...) – this will nourish your skin and help it to repair quicker.

*don’t apply any heavy and invasive skin products (anything with alcohol, harsh chemicals, deodorants and similar) – if you do, you can experience skin irritation, itching, allergic reactions or burning.

*PILINGS! A couple of days after depilation do a pilling on target areas! It will speed up the regenerating process and prevent ingrown hair. Make pilling at home, combining sugar and oil or sugar and soap, apply it on skin and gently massage in.

When you shouldn’t perform depilation?
*hurt skin
*red dots and sensitive skin
*areas whit varicose veins!!!
*especially be very careful with chemical depilation products, as they can cause allergies and sensitivity!

I hope these tips would help with a decision about your next hair removal session. Ladies (and gentlemen) always be sure that the products and procedures you use are safe and won’t harm you or your health, make sure the beautician you are about to visit has good reviews and knows what he/she is doing and always uses clean utilities! Your health and well being is always the number one priority! :)

I wish you a successful depilation with minimum pain! And remember I’m always available for any questions... :D

Good luck! 

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