petek, 26. junij 2015


Glede na to, da se verjetno vsi, ki me dobro poznajo, sprašujejo od česa dejansko živim v kampu, vam bom razkrila s kakšno hrano nas pitajo :) V bistvu me je že od začetka od vseh stvari najbolj skrbelo kaj bom v Ameriki jedla...moji strahovi so se deloma uresničili...še dobro, da samo deloma. ;) V kampu imamo zajtrk, kosilo in večerjo, zvečer pa se odpre še kantina, kjer itak prodajajo vso možno sranje, da se otroci neomejeno (kokikor kuponckov imajo) bašejo in valda celi sugar high potem v posteljo...hvala bogu, da imam starejše punce, ki se znajo obnašat :)

torek, 23. junij 2015

1. teden :)

Torej odločila sem se, da bom tokrat pisala v slovenščini. Malo zato, ker pogrešam pravi pogovor v slovenščini in zato, da ob vsej tej angleščini, ki me obrkoža ne pozabim kako se kaj napiše tudi po čist preveč obremenjujem svoje možgane z angleščino! V naprej se oproščam se za zelooo dolg post......Zadala sem si cilj, da vsaj enkrat na teden objavim košček mojih kamperskih dogodivščin... Tu se dnevno zgodi toliko različnih dogodkov, da nimam časa opisat in napisat vsega. Mogoče je zato najbolje, da pišem kar dnevnik in stlačim čim več podrobnosti v eno objavo...? Bom poskusila, pa da vidimo kako se bo obneslo. Minil je prvi teden “pred-kampa”, kjer je število otrok še majhno (okoli 70-80), čaka nas še eden, naslednji teden pa začnemo s čisto pravo zadevo z 200 in več otroki. Za enkrat pa naši dnevi izgledajo takole:

sreda, 17. junij 2015


It's been a week since I came to America. Time really flies when you're having fun. And we definitely are. So far, this has been the best thing ever for sure...last time I was talking about my traveling to camp and first days in america...but today I'm finally able to share some details about how camp life actualy looks like.

četrtek, 11. junij 2015

First impression

Hello people! I’m currently on my way to camp and we’re all soo excited and nervous!! :)

I had so awesome and easy flights! My family dropped me at Zagreb airport from where I’ve flown to Paris. Short two-hour flight, nothing special. The airport in Paris though, it was the biggest thing ever (or so I thought until I came to America haha). After I landed in Paris, I rushed through security check for connective flights...people who work there are so idiotic. They saw half of us didn’t speak French but no one bothered to speak in English. Morons! ......I thought it would be easy to just walk to another terminal from where I flew on haha yup, didn’t happen :D first I had to take a bus to change the terminal from D to E...then get another boarding pass for flight from Paris to Newark and then take a TRAIN (!!) to the place of my departure, which was still on the same terminal! That was something. But the airport itself is just fantastic! When I finally got to the right spot I sat in front of my boarding gate...and of course sat in front of the wrong ones haha thank god I figure it out fast enough or else I would probably board a plane to Vietnam haha :D