ponedeljek, 16. april 2018

Jump out of a plane they said, it'll be fun they said... and "White-h(e)aven" on earth

Another bus ride down the coast and four hours later I reached Airlie Beach. This tiny little town with absolutely nothig to do but sunbathe at the lagoon or drink and eat on the main road (which is about 8min45s walk beginning to the end). After a sunny start of my EC trip I came down to some fantastic cooling showers *eyeroll*. Did not look forward to spending three days on a sailing boat in the rain!! -.- but luckily I still had more than a day and a lot of hope for the weather to change by then. Buuut, no time to think about that as it was time for me to mentally prepare for what was going to hit me tomorrow. Skydiving. Everyone who know me also know that I'm not the biggest adrenalin junkie hence I rarely do anything super crazy (no, flying trapeze is not super crazy :D). If you asked me to go skydiving half a year ago, I'm pretty sure my answer would be "hell no, never, see ya later, bye." So why on earth did I book myself a skydive?!?! Believe me, I was asking myself the same question. But seeing so many of my friends do it here on the east coast or in New Zealand, sharing their experience and preaching abou what an amazing feeling it is, they got me all excited and pumped for it and it kinda was an impulsive decision - yes, I'm doing it haha and I also didn't want to regret not trying it, that was probably my biggest motivation. So I booked my tours, paid for skydive, now there's no turning back...it was either me or quite a good portion of my money flying out of that airplane. So a couple of three dollar tacos in the hostel bar and a good night sleep should prepare me for the D day. Or so I thought. Turned out a good night sleep was not gonna happen because I was super nervous and there was a crazy raging storm happening outside. Anyways, I got up at 5, had some breakfast and met my 6am group at the skydive reception. The weather was terrible, so we already had a big delay with a group before us. we filled in some forms and were sent to wait for a callback...3hours later..the sun started to come out and we were ready to be sent to the airport. If I was nervous in the morning, by the time we actually started to get equipped, I was very much done with waiting and just wanted to get it over with asap. Because the winds were really strong over the sea and it was still pretty cloudy, we couldn't do the jump over the ocean, but we had to go the other way instead. What a bummer. I guess even my pot of luck empties from time to time. All buckled up and escorted by our instructors we made our way to the airport. (We figured out later that one of the instructors was married to a Slovenian which was super super weird haha)
Alright, ready, steady, go! My agency booked me in for a 6000ft jump. I had the option to "upgrade" to 15000ft for additional about 100 something dollars...hell no, ain't got money for that haha so I had to be the last one going in the plane and first one out...but as I was the only one for the lower jump, my instructor was like naaaah, it's your lucky day, we're gonna go all the way up to give you that full free fall from 15000ft....sure, if I'm here already, won't really make a difference to me I guess hahaha so we're in, it's raining, everyone is squished tight togeter and we're waiting...watchig the ground become a big green blop (yes the only view was grass, marvelous)...and there you are just sitting and waiting for that red light to turn on so you can put your glasses on...it's happening, no turning back now, what goes up, must come down, I sure know that from trapeze...the only way down is to fly! So the firs person out (meeeee) is ready, they open the door my instructor pushes me to the edge and adjusts the sitting position. And we wait till we reach the required height...my legs were just dangling there in the air, head back, jump position, ready...wait, wait, wait, when is it gonna be?! And then you jupm. Your stomach goes *bluuuup*, a couple of rolls around your insides, but when they release the first tiny parachute, you stop turning and you fly. You actually fly. I have never felt a sensation similar to this one ever in my life. Never. It is such a unique feeling physically and mentally that it can't be compared to anything else. You let go of everything, you're free. And I really enjoyed that feeling. Same goes with the second part after the main parachute is opened. Then you can relax and enjoy the "view". What a fantastic experience...I did it, I, me, yes meee, this chick right here!!! But I'm pretty sure I won't do it again. Once in a lifetime :)
After the jump and for the rest of the day the weather finally went back to normal and I could spend the afternoon doing absolutely nothing but sunbathing and swimming at the lagoon.
Luckily my fellow Slovenian girl Anja, whom I met in Sydney lives in Airlie, so we had to throw a proper Slovenian reunion...and let me tell you, that was certainly something that doesn't happen very often! It was Anja's last night before leaving Australia for two months so she kinda had to go have some good bye drinks with friends..so we met up at my hostel, she brought her roomie and she happens to be a Slovenian too...crazy, hey! Remember I mentioned above how one of the skydive instructors was married to a Slovenian...I told Anja and Nika the story and it turnd out we were actually on the way to their place where I met Maja and Ben the instructor (again). I mean, how small is the world?! There we were four Slovenian girls in this tiny Australian town. What are the chances?!?! We ended up having a fabulous night, especially with Maja and Ben's little exotic zoo! :) loved hanging out with fellow homies soo far away from home :) thanks guuys!!
Next morning, after all that adrenalin still running from skydive, I was more than ready for a relaxed three day sailing in Whitsunday Islands. We boarded a nice catamaran, put our main sails up and sailed away. It was a boat called Wings II and it was literally the best thing ever!! They fed us every two hours,  (haha yaas), we snorkeled, saw big George the fish, some crazy corals and we all got away with no jellyfish stings! We managed to see a fantastic sunset but the weather didn't have the best intentions for us at night. Next day was pretty gloomy, we couldn't really see much while snorkeling. But hey, it was time for our tour to Whitehaven beach and Hill inlet! Possibly one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I only wish it was a bit more sunny so the countless shades of blue would pop out even more! First we hiked up to the lookout point Hill Inlet where you get rewarded with a breathtaking view over the whole bay. The water was so clear we could even see a mantaray swimming around! Let me throw some fun facts at you so you can imagine how fabulous this beach actually is.... #1 if you took a photo of the bay every day, none of them would look the same, cause the it changes every day. #2 as this is a national park you're not allowed to take anything off the island, especially not the sand! It is 100% silica sand and the only one who was allowed to take it was NASA for some sort of construction purposes (or so we've been told :o). #3 the sand is really good for exfoliating your sking and hair (we were all covered in it haha) and polishing real gold/silver jewelry! I know, right! After the hike we made our way down to Whitehaven, one of the most famous beaches in the world. We even got a bit of sun out! Half of the team went in the ocean for a swim but I just couldn't be bothered putting on a stinger suit so I rather went exploring the area. The sand is sooo fine it almost crumbles under your feet, such a good feeling :) of course right before we left we got stuck in this crazy raging tropical storm that was following us the whole way back to our night spot and throughout the night as well. Not the most awesome time to be on a boat haha last morning was reserved for a final snorkel even tho the water was sooo mixed up and very gloomy from the storm. We still managed to see some fabulous underwater life, buuuut no turtles :( I gotta see them turtles once!! 

What an experience this was! Wings II thanks for such a fun tour, you all are a bunch of true legends!!

(Un)Fortunately same day in the afternoon it was time for me to board a bus again and continue my journey..this one was the longest - 14,5 hour night bus to Rainbow Beach. What happened there...? Come back next time to find out! ;)



torek, 3. april 2018

Magnetic Island, a real animal kingdom

Attention - backpackers rant ahead: What do you do when the island you're on has no signal and absolute shit wifi, but rock vallabies and possums are jumping around, koalas are a step away and you're pretty much living on the beach.......seriously?? I see too many 18-19-20 year-olds (older are no exception either, even I'm still like this way too often -.-) who cannot leave their freaking phone in their bag!! I mean, you're in this paradise, so much to do, so much to see....yet you can't be present in this moment, now! You go on a tour around koala and reptile sanctuary, your face says "ahh, why am I here," don't even pay attention until the guide says "photos", you lift your head, jump to be the first in line, put a fake smile on, take a snap and then bury  your head back into your screen...smile immediately disappears even tho your snapchat story is full of laughing and smiley emojis. Will you even remember the second you touched and held a damn live koala bear?? How fluffy it's fur was, the way it grabbed and held on to you? How amazing you felt when you finally managed to get up that freaking hill and got rewarded with a million dollar view?? Or is the only thing that matters to you getting that perfect insta shot to share with your followers the same second it happened.. it's 21st century, traveling is easier it's ever been, but people seemed to forget why they go on the road in the first place...shouldn't be about making other people jealous, bragging around and showing of, getting drunk every night and be hungover the hole next day, sitting around in your hostel chasing that terrible wifi so you can snap ten thousand pics of your "happy" face from countless different angles.....no, no, noo! It should be about experiencing stuff, meeting new people, new cultures, food, be present in the moment, having fun and making memories for life...sure photos and videos are a way of preserving those memories, but looking back at them years later you also want to remember the feelings you felt at that moment, the funny stories your guide was telling or a crazy thing that happened on the way to your destination....will you?? Probably not... because you're not paying attention, you're not experiencing it and you don't care. And honestly that is one thing that makes me furious. People who don't care, peope who take all of this for granted. Being able to travel is the best thing in the world and I feel so incredibly fortunate to have the guts and ability to do it. Yet not everyone seem to share my opinion and very few seem to understand the real meaning of traveling. Please please please enjoy the moment, be excited to explore new places and take home as much new experience, memories and stories as you can..it did happen, even if you didn't get it on camera or put it on snapchat. Be there, enjoy, LIVE!!! - Rant over. :)

Now that I got that off my chest I can relive my time on Magnetic island, this magical kingdom where Australia's most lovable wild animals are seen in their natural habitat, daily!! All the time actually. Having dinner? -Oh hello mr possum, I can't feed you my food but you're welcome to hang out with me (they're only really interested in food, hanging out is not their thing...kinda like me hahaha)...maybe you're having a relaxing afternoon by the pool, don't be surprised if a wallaby comes jumping around. Might even happen you see a death adder...this one is probably not top of the list of animals you wanna see, but it sure can happen. And my absolute favourite.... the Forts walk where you can spot wild koalas ! *.*
Magnetic Island is a popular stop along the coast. It's located 25min ferry ride from Townsville (damn ferry was 33$!!! -.-). I was staying in a hostel called Bungalow Bay. It's pretty remote but totally worth it. The little houses are very modern - think "glamping" style - and they all have AC, bingooo!!! The place also has camping site and the best thing,  on site wildlife sanctuary that offers tours and breakfast with koalas, boom!
The island itself is pretty small but it has over 20 bays and beautiful beaches to explore...countless amazing walks and you know...animals!!! I've only spent a day and a half there which was really not enough. I was rushing to do as much as possible. The most popular way of getting around the island is for sure a "Barbie" car or a motorbike. But there's busses too and you also have your legs for use 24/7 which is free of charge so.. :D I had enough time to explore our nearest beach-horseshoe bay the day I arrived and had to plan the one full day very strategically. Early morning wake-up so I could start the Forts walk before it got too hot (actually it didn't matter, because as soon as the sun was up it was just blaah, dying haha). It was time to put my  Steve Irvin/Indiana Jones/professional koala spotter/bush-walker attitude on and hit the trail. Honestly, you look like an idiot just staring up in the trees trying really hard to spot that highly desirable drop bear that sleeps 20hours a day and is basically the colour of everything around it. But my inner Steve Irvin surfaced and my eagle eye spotted one right at the beginning of the track....a happy "thank you universe" dance and a million photos later I had to move on if I wanted to stay on schedule for the day. Unfortunately I haven't seen any more these beautiful creatures on the way, but one is so much better than zero! Views from the top were pretty impressive with the sun still rising above the ocean...magnificent!! If only I was up for the actual sunrise! I continued my way from the starting point of Forts walk down (and very much up too) all the way to Radical Bay. Gosh, the heat. But it all paid off with a bunch of fantastic lookout points along the way. If I wasn't so short with time, I'd definitely have a relaxed couple of hours at the beach, buuut koalas don't wait for anyone so two km hike up the freaking mountain steps all the way back to horseshoe bay. Next on the agenda was the highly desired sanctuary tour in my hostel. It cost me 29 for entrance fee and extra 18$ for a koala cuddle dddddddd cause who wouldn't want to cuddle a koala?! Well we certainly got to pet a lot more unusual animals too, including a lizard, baby crock, turtle, snake aaaaand a vombat!!! Siick. It felt like I've done so much already and yet it was only 2:30pm. I caught a bus down to Alma Bay to have a look around that area. I ended up laying on the beach with occasional dips in the sea (very brave of me as I wasn't wearing a stinger suit...wooops) just sunbathing and enjoying the quietness of the area (until a very loud group of Brits came, Jesus!). So my last day on the island went by crazy fast. I ended up in this deep discussion with my roomies about travellers that we meet along the way...and we all came to the same conclusion that there is waaay more solo girl travellers than solo guy travellers! Guys that I (we) met by now were either traveling with their "better" half or in a group...whereas ladies just seem to love the freedom of exploring on their own...hmmmm why is that?! Guys???
Anyways I was up pretty early again the following morning as I wanted to stop at the other side of the island to check out another bay before hoping on the ferry and departing back to Townsville. Before boarding the bus to my next destination I decided to search for Woolies or Coles to buy lunch and some food for the journey. Of course the sun was soooo strong and of course I misread google maps directions and walked waaay further than needed. *properfacepalm* Coles and their AC *loveeeee*....Also what's up with a quarter of baked chicken being cheaper than 200g of "plain leaves and grass" called "a salad"?!?!

This stop was (too) short but very sweet! Loved seeing all the animals, magical sunsets and adding up another piece of adventure to this puzzle. My next destination was one I was dreading  the most (not just because the weather forecast was absolute shit) but also because I was about to do something I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would ever attempt...but more about that next time. :)

Now hop to my Instagram (@dasazagar) to see some photos that again, I can't upload here cause my phone is stupid. -.-

